Acupressure Points for Connective Tissue Release, Board Certified Continuing Education Class
Easy to apply ancient medicine that can release connective tissue restriction all over the body. Leave this class with knowledge that you can work into your current routine, custom sessions, or use as full body protocol.
Reiki Level 1, Board Certified Continuing Education Class
Learn a ancient healing modality made modern. This class is a great introduction for anybody interested in subtle body or energy work. This class includes a Reiki level 1 attunement, introduction energetic anatomy and a full body protocol for self or client application. You will leave this class ready to practice Reiki on your self and others. You can work these techniques into your routine, custom body work session or use it for a full body protocol. Reiki is great for body workers but any one would benefit from the knowledge in this course including Yoga teachers, healers, and therapists of all kinds.
Couples Massage Workshop This class was developed for couples looking to deepen their connection through touch. I developed this class to provide partners with tools to help each other feel better in an easy to understand presentation. Each person will learn a massage protocol meant to be done from the comfort of your sofa or living room, so no massage table is needed, so they may help each other relax and feel loved. The techniques taught allow the giver to perform massage like a pro with out their hands getting tired.